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Category: Business Page 6 of 18

TEDxSydney Talks on YouTube

Today I was the guest author on the Official Google Australia blog! I helped the guys from TEDxSydney upload and present their valuable content on a non-profit brand channel. It is great to see so many talented Australians contributing to the huge public pool of knowledge that TED and its derivatives are generating. These HD quality videos really are the best way of transferring and retaining this knowledge.

Send Clientexec Invoices using Google Apps or Gmail

As a trial I have recently migrated my email from Microsoft Exchange to Google Apps. Google Apps Standard is free (even for multiple custom domains) and therefore significantly cheaper than my current Microsoft Exchange and Windows VPS setup. The built-in Mail Fetcher tool lets you keep your Google account downloading emails regularly (about every 20 mins?) from your Exchange account, while you take your time to migrate your DNS changes over. Once you are done you can shut down your Exchange account and disable Mail Fetcher.

Of course changing mail servers will have some effects, in my case it broke the email function of my Clientexec invoicing system. Luckily I found a great post by Adrian Jon Kriel that fixed my problem (thanks!), and I have reproduced it below:

Default clientexec smtp mailer (PHPMailer) cannot handle the required SSL/TLS SMTP via port 465 for gmail.


You will need a valid Gmail or Google Apps account with POP3 enabled (Gmail->Settings->Forwarding and POP/IMAP ->Enable POP for all mail)

Step 1) Modify the file: PHPMailer.php in your clientexec directory: /newedge/classes/

Step 2) Replace the following code around line 534:

// Retry while there is no connection
while($index < count($hosts) && $connection == false)
if(strstr($hosts[$index], ":"))
list($host, $port) = explode(":", $hosts[$index]);


// Retry while there is no connection
while($index < count($hosts) && $connection == false)
// modified for GMAIL
// if(strstr($hosts[$index], ":"))
// list($host, $port) = explode(":", $hosts[$index]);
if(strstr($hosts[$index],"://")) list($protocol,$hostPort) = explode("://",$hosts[$index]) ;
if(strstr($hostPort, ":")) list($host, $port) = explode(":", $hostPort);

Step 3) Change your clientexec Email settings (admin->SYSTEM SETUP-> e-mail settings)

Mail Type: SMTP
SMTP Host: ssl://
SMTP Username: [email protected] (this will be your gmail login name)
SMTP Password: gmail_password (this will be your gmail login password)
SMTP Port: 465
Send Multi-Part MIME Messages: Yes or No (your own preference)


  • If you get “Connection Timeout” errors when u send an email, contact your host to open the TCP port 465.
  • On Windows servers you may need to add the “extension=php_openssl.dll” line to your php.ini configuration file.

Vision and leadership

Seth GodinSeth Godin is my favourite marketing guru, and he recently published a free e-book that has statements from 70+ great thinkers. For me, reading these statements was the perfect way to reflect on the past year and motivate myself for a big 2010.

There was one slide in particular that resonated for me. The ability to create a vision is a product management skill that I have really tried to build, but I never realised that by creating a vision you are demonstrating leadership. It is so easy to put vision in the “too hard” basket and let your daily grind expand to fill your day. A leader rises above this by setting a vision that resonates with those around you and motivates them to do the same.

In a down economy – particularly one that has taken most of us by surprise – things get very tactical. We are just trying to survive. What worked yesterday does not necessarily work today. What works today may not necessarily work tomorrow. Decisions become pragmatic.

But after a while this wears on people. They don’t know why their efforts matter. They cannot connect their actions to a larger story. Their work becomes a matter of just going through the motions, living from weekend to weekend, paycheck to paycheck.

This is where great leadership makes all the difference. Leadership is more than influence. It is
about reminding people of what it is we are trying to build – and why it matters. It is about painting a picture of a better future.
It comes down to pointing the way and saying, “C’mon. We can do this!”

When times are tough, vision is the first casualty. Before conditions can improve, it is the first thing we must recover.

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